Welcome to
An uplifting and inspiring destination!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we have started the New Year, we are excited to see what new things are on the horizon for Bogers
Chapel. We have a planned mission trip to Red Bird Kentucky in the Spring of 2023 along with other
amazing events planned. As we are coming out of the past few years of social distancing guidelines and
restrictions, we at Bogers Chapel still want to present a safe and comfortable worship environment for
those who wish to attend us in person. We still encourage if you are not feeling well to please stay at
home and worship with us online regardless of the type of illness it may be. Our goal is to still do no
harm to others in any fashion.
We have started a Children’s Sunday school based on the principles of Praying in Color. During this time
scripture is read related to a topic and the children draw pictures describing what the scripture means to
them and how it makes them feel. We also incorporate age-appropriate games challenging the children
to retain what they have learned during a few weeks. The Sunday School times are from 9-9:45. (Breakfast will be served to the children attending Sunday School.) The
Sunday School is based around children K-8, but all are invited to attend and participate. All adults who
attend enjoyed being able to present how certain scriptures and bible stories have moved them and
they were able to draw their depiction of the story. Breakfast is served to all that attend children's Sunday School.
Reaching ALL people in new and different ways
Mission Strong
Our hearts and hands,
service our community and beyond.
In the Lords Name.
1775 Flowes Store Rd. East Concord, NC 28025
Who We Are
In the days "Before-Covid" (B.C.) Boger's Chapel was known for its inclusive hospitality. The pandemic has not stopped God's work within our congregation, as we seek to love our neighbors through our growing mission and outreach and explore new ways of connecting and caring amidst the new realities we face. We hope you might join us in our church on Sunday mornings or on our Facebook profile live-stream to encounter what amazing things God is doing in our corner of Concord.
May God bless you with all grace and peace,
Pastor Eric Shaver